CSharp C# 5.0 in a nutshell

26 chapter - 1062 pages
Symbols! not operator, 31, 181, 510
!= comparison operator, 31, 155, 254–
# (preprocessor directives), 181
$ end of string (regex), 998
% remainder operator, 26
& (address of) operator, 177
& logical and operator, 28, 976
& ref/out parameter, 769
&& conditional and operator, 31, 181,
' generic type name, 768
' literal character, 32
() function/method call operator, 47
(?=expr) regex named groups, 997
* 0 or more matches (regex), 996
* dereference operator, 177
* multiplication operator, 11, 26
* XPath wildcard, 478
+ 1 or more matches (regex), 996
+ addition operator, 26, 34
+ nested namespace separator, 768
+ string concatenation, 34
++ increment operator, 26
+= combining delegates, 121
positive infinity value, 28
- subtraction operator, 26
-- decrement operator, 26
-0 special value, 28
-= removing delegates, 121
-> pointer-to-member operator, 178
negative infinity value, 28
. member, 14
. single character (regex), 995
. XPath current node, 478
.. XPath parent node, 478
/ division operator, 26
/ XPath child, 478
/* */ multiline comment, 14
/** */ multiline documentation comment,
// single-line comment, 14
// XPath recursive child, 478
/// documentation comment, 182
< less than operator, 264, 265
< less than operator (overloading), 160
< string comparisons, 381
<< shift left operator, 28
<= less than or equal to operator, 155
= assignment operator, 14, 48
== equals operator, 29, 255–260
== equals operator (comparing strings),
== equals operator (nullable types), 155

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CSharp c# 5.0 in a nutshell